Nosepass Sherm
The Sims 4 Chermibear The Sims 4 Chermibear

Nosepass Sherm

Meet Nosepass Sherm, the second matriarch of my first ever 100 Baby Challenge Let’s Play. With just seven more babies to go, I think it is time to immortalize Nosepass by making her available for anyone who is interested in having her in their game!

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The First Post
Personal Thoughts Chermibear Personal Thoughts Chermibear

The First Post

“Chermi blogs now?!”

Yes, yes indeed. Welcome, welcome.

As I continue to build my brand, I find myself struggling to find a medium with which to fully express every aspect of myself. To date, I have called myself a content creator, a simmer, a builder, an artist, a makeup artist.. etc. but I am all that and more…

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